Resources from Wellbeing Choices

We started our little business 6.5 years ago, with the mission to help Australians have a local source for their IonCleanse by AMD products. Having seen first hand the benefits of this special footbath, we wanted others to be able to experience it, too. We’ve chatted with families who have kids on the Autism spectrum, those with chronic health issues, and those who are just wanting to make sure they stay as healthy as they can be. It was never about the money for us, it was about helping others. But now it’s time for us to move on.

Having a passion is great, but we still have a family who needs us, and we need to earn a living. As everyone knows, costs for everything have gone up hugely over the last two years, and we’ve been covering a lot of those. We do have people complain to us about the costs of the IonCleanse, but we’ve never actually made any money from this business. We would have had to increase our prices by a LOT in order to do that! But that’s not what we wanted to do, as it would have put this footbath even further out of people’s reach.

But we’ve now had to regretfully make the decision to close down Wellbeing Choices. Our family still takes up a huge amount of our time, plus our other business (the one that actually pays our bills) has grown to the point that we’ve had to take on outside staff. Something has to give, and we’re sorry to tell all our happy and loyal customers, that it has to be Wellbeing Choices.

AMD will still be honouring the warranties for all your machines, you will just need to deal directly with them if you do need your machine looked at. If you are yet to buy a footbath, or need replacement parts, you will need to buy those directly from AMD (A Major Difference).

It’s been an honour and a pleasure serving you, and we wish all of you a healthy and happy future!

Martina and Rod

August 2022

We had a lot of information on our store website, and some of that information will still be useful to those of you who bought an IonCleanse from us. We’ve added it to this blog, so you can still access it. You will need to come back to this page to access the links. Enjoy!

IonCleanse by AMD – Why is it so expensive?

The Ongoing Costs of the IonCleanse

IonCleanse by AMD Tips & Tricks

How often should I use my IonCleanse by AMD footbath?

IonCleanse FAQs – The Salty Facts

To Flip or Not To Flip? Polarity that is…

We still have the Wellbeing Choices YouTube channel up as well.